It’s Brand New: Put the Sparkle Back in Your Attention with Micro-Changes
Have you ever noticed how it is easy to pay attention when things are new, shiny and novel, but that your ability to focus wanes after some time? Do you ever wonder why that is?
Well, to be frank... we focus better when life is interesting. That's just human nature! So how can we keep the “bloom on the rose” when life gets boring? Easy... create a “micro-change!”
In this worksheet, I'll talk about tiny changes you can make that can freshen up those old, creaky tasks and make them sparkle again. You'll learn how doing small microchanges can make all the difference in your ADHD attention span and your productivity!
To get your free copy of my worksheet It’s Brand New: Put the Sparkle Back in Your Attention with Micro-Changes [A Micro-Worksheet] all you have to do is sign up below.
Then check your email inbox for a link to your free copy!

Would you like to have better organization,
more productivity, and stronger skills
to manage your ADHD?
Live Well ADHD can help you do just that.
Live Well ADHD is a hybrid (live and online) course designed specifically to help you develop the skills and habits to optimize your brain function, maximize your talents, motivate yourself to succeed, and identify the specific action steps that work best for you!
We've simplified how to live well with ADHD into one straightforward and powerful hybrid course with live and online ways to learn.
This hybrid course will teach you how to live well with ADHD, combining a live group workshop to accelerate your learning, online coursework, your personal workbook, and weekly accountability calls.