How to Go from Bad to Badass with ADHD

It can be hard to maintain good daily habits, get tasks done efficiently, remember stuff, get organized, plan, and handle your emotions when you have ADHD. This can lead to a lot (a lot, a LOT) of negative self-talk and self-shaming - telling yourself that you are simply “bad.”
But what if you could turn “bad” into “badass?”
What if you stopped worrying so much? And instead of always trying harder to improve yourself and be good at everything, you decided that you only want to be great at a couple of things? What if you embraced the radically unique parts of you (ADHD included) that make you a rebel, an artist, a deep thinker, a jack-of-all-trades, a collector, or a badass disrupter even?
To get your free copy of my eBook How to Go From Bad to Badass With ADHD all you have to do is sign up below.
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Are You a high achiever who just happens to have ADHD?
Our 6-module eCourse might be just what you need right now.
Would you like to have better organization, more productivity, and stronger skills to manage your ADHD? Live Well ADHD can help you do just that.
Live Well ADHD is a 6-module eCourse designed specifically for high achievers with ADHD to help you develop the skills and habits to optimize your brain function, maximize, your talents, motivate yourself to succeed, and identify the specific action steps that work best for you!
Going From Bad to Badass is one of many lessons in our Live Well ADHD eCourse. This eCourse is the first step in Dixon Life Coaching's programs for high achievers with ADHD. If you'd like access to the full Live Well ADHD eCourse, click the button and sign up today!