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ADHD Support for Professors with ADHD 

Dixon Life Coaching is the premiere coaching firm for professors with ADHD.


Based on leading-edge research, our high-impact coaching and training programs are designed to empower attorneys to identify and leverage their unique strengths, build simple and practical tools to gain control over their ADHD symptoms, increase productivity, embrace new possibilities, avoid risk, and create lasting and sustainable change in their lives.

Professors with ADHD can be brilliant in lectures and interested in students, but struggle to implement systems to get the more mundane, but necessary, tasks done – like uploading syllabi to the university server on time, clearing out that email inbox, and keeping grade logs up-to-date.


If you are a professor with ADHD, you might imagine the day when you can devote time reading and writing about your next research interest, collaborating with colleagues in your academic field, and getting glowing reviews from student evaluations. But, you might spend too much time on interruptions, less meaningful tasks, or distractions to get there.


I have worked with professors at all stages of their academic careers – from tenured department chairs, all-but-dissertation visiting professors, and first-time adjuncts – in universities, liberal arts colleges, and community colleges.

Typical coaching topics for professors with ADHD


  • Understanding and managing your ADHD.

  • Identifying what is really getting in your way at work.

  • Developing target performance goals.

  • Relying on your strengths.

  • Getting organized.

  • Creating an accountability network.

  • Limiting and controlling distractions.

  • Managing your to-do list and time, and meeting deadlines.

  • Balancing teaching requirements and research goals.

  • Balancing work and the rest of life.


We can work together to set clear, measurable goals to solve these issues, develop steps you can take and strategies to rely on, and support you as you gain control. 

Support for Professors with ADHD

Discover how Dixon Life Coaching can help professors & academic professionals with ADHD

Are you a professor struggling to get your ADHD under control? â€‹


Reach out and set up time to meet so you can learn more about how our high-impact coaching programs designed for professors with ADHD.


Share your needs and let us know how we can assist you in creating an environment that fosters success and growth.


Let's talk.

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